Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fermenting Chickpeas

My Dad's birthday was coming up and he requested homemade falafel for dinner. So, I soaked chickpeas with whey for 24 hours, then gathered together cumin, corriander, cayenne pepper, parsley, garlic and onion to make the falafel dough.

Everything is mixed in a food processor then chilled for an hour before forming into patties. then fry in olive oil and serve in pita with tahini, tomatoes, olives, lettuce...whatever you like.

VERY easy to make and tastes really good. We had so much left over, we ate falafel all week--just fried a few up for lunch each day. I'd love to post the recipe here, but I can't because its copyrighted. So--go get Nourishing Traditions! It's only $17 and I love it.


Elliotness said...

My friend Joey sent me your blog, because I know of someone who is also doing the NT cookbook blog style. She was able to get full permission from Sally Fallon to publish the recipes, and I am sure you could too! Just contact her through the weston A price site! Way to go in spreading the word about nourishing traditional foods! GREAT blog!!!!

Briana Thirloway Thiodet said...

Yes, you both are right--I should be posting the recipe. As long as I acknowledge the origin of the recipe, I should be fine. Will do from now on...